Complete list of publications on Google Scholar
Spatial Statistics for Data Science: Theory and Practice with R
Moraga. Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series. ISBN 9781032633510 (2023)
Geospatial Health Data: Modeling and Visualization with R-INLA and Shiny
Moraga. Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series. ISBN 9780367357955 (2019)
Selected Publications
Spatial data fusion adjusting for preferential sampling using integrated nested Laplace approximation and stochastic partial differential equation
Zhong, Ribeiro-Amaral and Moraga. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society (2024)
Non-parametric analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns
Gonzalez and Moraga. The R Journal, 15(1):65-82 (2023)
Joint spatial modeling of the risks of co-circulating mosquito-borne diseases in Ceará, Brazil
Pavani, Bastos and Moraga. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 47:100616 (2023)
Bayesian hierarchical models for the combination of spatially misaligned data: a comparison of melding and downscaler approaches using INLA and SPDE
Zhong and Moraga. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics (2023)
Spatio-temporal modeling of infectious diseases by integrating compartment and point process models
Ribeiro-Amaral, Gonzalez and Moraga. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (2022)
rspatialdata: a collection of data sources and tutorials on downloading and visualising spatial data using R
Moraga and Baker. F1000Research, 11:77 (2022)
Species Distribution Modeling using Spatial Point Processes: a Case Study of Sloth Occurrence in Costa Rica
Moraga. The R Journal, 12(2):293-310 (2020)
Assessing the age- and gender-dependence of the severity and case fatality rates of COVID-19 disease in Spain
Moraga, Ketcheson, Ombao and Duarte. Wellcome Open Research, 5:117 (2020)
Small Area Disease Risk Estimation and Visualization Using R
Moraga. The R Journal, 10(1):495-506 (2018)
SpatialEpiApp: A Shiny Web Application for the analysis of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Disease Data
Moraga. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 23:47-57 (2017)
A geostatistical model for combined analysis of point-level and area-level data using INLA and SPDE
Moraga, Cramb, Mengersen and Pagano. Spatial Statistics, 21:27-41 (2017)
Detection of spatial variations in temporal trends with a quadratic function
Moraga and Kulldorff. Statistical Methods for Medical Research, 25(4):1422-1437 (2016)
Spatio-temporal determinants of urban leptospirosis transmission: Four-year prospective cohort study of slum residents in Brazil
Hagan, Moraga, Costa, et al. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 10(1): e0004275 (2016)
Modelling the distribution and transmission intensity of lymphatic filariasis in sub-Saharan Africa prior to scaling up interventions: integrated use of geostatistical and mathematical modelling
Moraga, et al. Parasites & Vectors, 8:560 (2015)
Model-based imputation of missing data from the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System (122 CMRS)
Moraga and Ozonoff. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 29 (5) 1499-1507 (2015)
Spatial and spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox processes: extending the geostatistical paradigm
Diggle, Moraga, Rowlingson and Taylor. Statistical Science, 28(4):542-563 (2013)
Gaussian component mixtures and CAR models in Bayesian disease mapping
Moraga and Lawson. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 56(6):1417-1433 (2012)
Detection of spatial disease clusters with LISA functions
Moraga and Montes. Statistics in Medicine, 30:1057-1071 (2011)