1 Getting started

1.2 Installing R and RStudio

R (https://www.r-project.org) is a free, open source, software environment for statistical computing and graphics with many excellent packages for importing and manipulating data, statistical modeling, and visualization. R can be downloaded and installed from CRAN (the Comprehensive R Archive Network) (https://cran.rstudio.com). It is recommended to run R using the integrated development environment (IDE) called RStudio. RStudio allows to interact with R more readily and can be freely downloaded from https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download.

To install R, go to the home website of R www.r-project.org and

  1. click download CRAN in the left bar
  2. choose a download site
  3. choose operation system
  4. click base
  5. choose Download R and choose default answers for all questions

To install IDE RStudio, go to www.rstudio.com and

  1. under Download RStudio, click Download
  2. below RStudio Desktop (free), click Download
  3. click the version for your operating system
  4. download the .exe file and run it and choose default answers for all questions

1.3 RStudio layout

Figure below shows a snapshot of an RStudio IDE with the following four panes:

  • Code editor (top-left): This pane is where we create and view the R script files with our work.
  • Console (bottom-left): Here we see the execution and the output of the R code. We can execute R code from the code editor or directly enter R commands in the console pane.
  • Environment/History (top-right): This pane contains the ‘Environment’ tab with datasets, variables, and other R objects created, and the ‘History’ tab with a history of the previous R commands executed. This pane may also contain other tabs such as ‘Git’ for version control.
  • Files/Plots/Packages/Help (bottom-right): Here we can see the files in our working directory (‘Files’ tab), and the graphs generated (‘Plots’ tab). This pane also contains other tabs such as ‘Packages’ and ‘Help’.

2 Modes of interacting with R

  • Typing commands in the R console

  • Writing code in script files

    • copy-paste commands to the console
    • Shortcut to run current line/selection: Ctrl+Enter (Windows), Command+Enter (MacOS)
    • Shortcut to run entire script file: Ctrl+Shift+Enter (Windows), Command+Shift+Enter (MacOS)
    • read in and execute all commands at once with source()

2.1 R as calculator

Type the equation in the command window after the > symbol.

10^2 + 36
## [1] 136
# Variable assignment
x <- 5+5
## [1] 10

If we use brackets and forget to add the closing bracket, the > on the command line changes into a +. The + can also mean that R is still busy with some heavy computation. If we want R to quit what it was doing and give back the >, press ESC.

2.2 Scripts

We can store your commands in scripts. These scripts have file names with the extension .R. We can open an editor window to edit these files by clicking File and New or Open file…

We can run the whole script with the console command source, so e.g. for the script in the file foo.R



Write comments with #

1 + 1 # this is a comment 
## [1] 2

R is case sensitive, so we need to make sure we write capital letters where necessary.

2.4 Working directory

The working directory is the folder on our computer in which we are currently working.

# returns path for the current working directory

# set the working directory to a specified directory

Within RStudio we can also go to Session - Set working directory - Choose directory.

2.5 Packages

With the standard installation of R, most common packages are installed. If we need additional functionality, we can also install R packages. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) is the main repository for R packages.

To install a package from CRAN we type:


To attach a package to start using it we need to type:


We can see a list of all installed packages in the Packages tab of RStudio, or by typing installed.packages() or library().

ls() list objects in the environment. They can also be seen in the Environment tab of RStudio

data() lists all datasets

rm(x, mx) remove objects

rm(list = ls()) removes all objects from R’s memory

2.6 Getting help

We can get help on specific functions by typing ?functionname or help(functionname)

??functionname searches the function in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) and provides the name of the package that contains the function

help.start() calls an HTML-based global help

We can also search our question in Google or Stack Overflow (https://stackoverflow.com/)

2.7 System and packages information

System and user information can be retrieved with


Version information about R, the operating system and attached packages


Package version


3 Data types

3.1 Numbers

Vector of numbers

# vector consisting of 1, 5, and 10
# c() is the 'combine' function
c(1, 5, 10)  
## [1]  1  5 10
# vector of integers between 1 and 10
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
# assign vector of integers between 1 and 10 to variable x
x <- 1:10 
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

Regular sequences

# sequence of numbers from 1 to 21 by increments of 2
seq(from = 1, to = 21, by = 2)             
##  [1]  1  3  5  7  9 11 13 15 17 19 21
# sequence of numbers from 1 to 31 with 3 equal incremented  numbers
seq(1, 31, length.out = 3)    
## [1]  1 16 31

Repeated sequences

# replicates x a specified number of times
rep(x = 1:4, times = 2)   
## [1] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
# each element of x is repeated each times
rep(x = 1:4, each = 2)    
## [1] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

Random numbers

n <- 10

# generate n random numbers between the default values of 0 and 1
##  [1] 0.80825190 0.86440488 0.83792299 0.63020129 0.77438091 0.69731244
##  [7] 0.04682129 0.79331743 0.35917790 0.39893421
# generate n random numbers between 0 and 25
runif(n, min = 0, max = 25)       
##  [1]  2.557973 19.409298 16.673220  8.037745 22.873311 23.103512 18.655786
##  [8] 23.798240 12.469154 13.033757
# generate n random numbers between 0 and 25 (with replacement)
sample(0:25, n, replace = TRUE)   
##  [1] 10  5 13 10  2  3 10  8 17  3
# generate n random numbers between 0 and 25 (without replacement)
sample(0:25, n, replace = FALSE) 
##  [1] 13  0 12 15  2  5 24 18 19 14

Rounding numeric values

x <- c(1, 1.35, 1.7, 2.05, 2.4, 2.75, 3.1, 3.45, 3.8, 4.15, 4.5, 4.85, 5.2, 5.55, 5.9)

# Round to the nearest integer
##  [1] 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6
# Round up
##  [1] 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6
# Round down
##  [1] 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5
# Round to a specified decimal
round(x, digits = 1)
##  [1] 1.0 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.8 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.2 5.6 5.9

Counting elements

## [1] 10

Sort a vector

##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

Unique elements

x <- c(1:3, 2:5)

# which elements are duplicated
# unique elements (duplicated deleted)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5

3.2 Characters

Character strings need to be in quotation marks and can have spaces

a <- "learning to create"    # create string a
b <- "character strings"     # create string b

paste() to concatenate strings

# paste together strings a and b
paste(a, b)                      
## [1] "learning to create character strings"
# paste character and number (converts numbers to character class)
paste("The variable x is equal to", pi)           
## [1] "The variable x is equal to 3.14159265358979"
# paste multiple strings with a separating character
paste("a", "b", "c", sep = "-")  
## [1] "a-b-c"
# use paste0() to paste without spaces between characters
paste0("a", "b", "c", "R")            
## [1] "abcR"
# paste objects with different lengths
paste("R", 1:5, sep = " v1.")
## [1] "R v1.1" "R v1.2" "R v1.3" "R v1.4" "R v1.5"

Case conversion

x <- "Learning To MANIPULATE strinGS in R"

## [1] "learning to manipulate strings in r"

Extract or replace substrings in a character vector

alphabet <- paste(LETTERS, collapse = "")

# extract 18-24th characters in string
substr(alphabet, start = 18, stop = 24)
## [1] "RSTUVWX"
# replace 19st-24th characters with `R`
substr(alphabet, start = 19, stop = 24) <- "RRRRRR"

Split string x into substrings according to a substring split within them

strsplit(x = "aa-bb", split = "-")
## [[1]]
## [1] "aa" "bb"

3.3 Logicals

Comparing numeric values

x <- 9
y <- 10

x < y     # is x less than y
## [1] TRUE
x > y     # is x greater than y
## [1] FALSE
x <= y    # is x less than or equal to y
## [1] TRUE
x >= y    # is x greater than or equal to y
## [1] FALSE
x == y    # is x equal to y
## [1] FALSE
x != y    # is x not equal to y
## [1] TRUE

Comparing vector of several elements with a value results in a logical vector

x <- c(5, 14, 10, 22)
x > 13

%in% for group membership

3 %in% 1:10
## [1] TRUE

Logical vectors used in ordinary arithmetic are coerced into numeric vectors, FALSE becoming 0 and TRUE becoming 1

x <- c(5, 14, 10, 22)

# how many elements in x are greater than 13?
sum(x > 13)
## [1] 2

Position of the vector equal to a number

which(3 == 1:10)
## [1] 3

3.4 Factors

Factors are used to represent categorical data and can be unordered or ordered.

Creating a factor string

gender <- factor(c("male", "female", "female", "male", "female"))
## [1] male   female female male   female
## Levels: female male
## [1] "factor"
## [1] "female" "male"
## female   male 
##      3      2

Convert from characters to factors

group <- c("Group1", "Group2", "Group2", "Group1", "Group1")
##  chr [1:5] "Group1" "Group2" "Group2" "Group1" "Group1"
## [1] Group1 Group2 Group2 Group1 Group1
## Levels: Group1 Group2

Ordering levels

# when not specified, the default puts order as alphabetical
gender <- factor(c("male", "female", "female", "male", "female"))
## [1] male   female female male   female
## Levels: female male
# specifying order
gender <- factor(c("male", "female", "female", "male", "female"), 
                 levels = c("male", "female"))
## [1] male   female female male   female
## Levels: male female

Drop levels

gender <- gender[gender != "male"]

# lets say we have no observations in one level
##   male female 
##      0      3
# we can drop that level if desired
## [1] female female female
## Levels: female

3.5 Dates

Getting current date and time

## [1] "Asia/Riyadh"
## [1] "2023-03-16"
## [1] "2023-03-16 12:23:01 +03"

Converting strings to dates using as.Date(). Default date format is YYYY-MM-DD. For a complete list of formatting code options type ?strftime

x <- c("2015-07-01", "2015-08-01", "2015-09-01")
## [1] "2015-07-01" "2015-08-01" "2015-09-01"
y <- c("07/01/2015", "07/01/2015", "07/01/2015")
as.Date(y, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
## [1] "2015-07-01" "2015-07-01" "2015-07-01"

Creating date sequences

seq(as.Date("2010-1-1"), as.Date("2015-1-1"), by = "years")
## [1] "2010-01-01" "2011-01-01" "2012-01-01" "2013-01-01" "2014-01-01"
## [6] "2015-01-01"
seq(as.Date('2015-09-15'), as.Date('2015-09-30'), by = "2 days")
## [1] "2015-09-15" "2015-09-17" "2015-09-19" "2015-09-21" "2015-09-23"
## [6] "2015-09-25" "2015-09-27" "2015-09-29"

4 Data structures

4.1 Vectors

The basic structure in R is the vector. A vector is a sequence of data elements of the same basic type: numeric, character, logical, factors, or dates.

Creating a vector using :, c(), seq() or rep()

# integer vector
w <- 8:17
##  [1]  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
# numbers with decimals vector
x <- c(0.5, 0.6, 0.2)
## [1] 0.5 0.6 0.2
# logical vector
# Character vector
z <- c("a", "b", "c") 
## [1] "a" "b" "c"

Coercing vectors. All elements of a vector must be of the same type. When attempting to combine different types of elements (i.e. character and numeric) they will be coerced to one of the types.

# numerics are turned to characters
str(c("a", "b", "c", 1, 2, 3))
##  chr [1:6] "a" "b" "c" "1" "2" "3"
# logicals are turned to numerics...
str(c(1, 2, 3, TRUE, FALSE))
##  num [1:5] 1 2 3 1 0
# or characters
str(c("A", "B", "C", TRUE, FALSE))
##  chr [1:5] "A" "B" "C" "TRUE" "FALSE"

Often it is best to explicitly coerce with as.character(), as.double(), as.integer(), or as.logical().

## [1] "factor"
state.region2 <- as.character(state.region)
## [1] "character"

Adding additional elements to a pre-existing vector

v1 <- 8:17

c(v1, 18:22)
##  [1]  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Subsetting vectors

Subsetting with positive integers

##  [1]  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
## [1] 9
## [1]  9 10 11
v1[c(2, 4, 6, 8)]
## [1]  9 11 13 15
# note that we can duplicate index positions
v1[c(2, 2, 4)]
## [1]  9  9 11

Subsetting with negative integers will omit the elements at the specified positions

## [1]  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
v1[-c(2, 4, 6, 8)]
## [1]  8 10 12 14 16 17

Subsetting with logical values will select the elements where the corresponding logical value is TRUE

## [1]  8 10 12 13 14 17
v1[v1 < 12]
## [1]  8  9 10 11
v1[v1 < 12 | v1 > 15]
## [1]  8  9 10 11 16 17

4.2 Lists

A list is an R structure that allows us to combine elements of different types

Creating Lists

l <- list(1:3, "a", c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), c(2.5, 4.2))
## List of 4
##  $ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
##  $ : chr "a"
##  $ : logi [1:3] TRUE FALSE TRUE
##  $ : num [1:2] 2.5 4.2

Adding additional list components to a list

We can add a new list component by utilizing the $ sign and naming the new item

l1 <- list(1:3, "a", c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
## List of 3
##  $ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
##  $ : chr "a"
##  $ : logi [1:3] TRUE FALSE TRUE
l1$item4 <- "new list item"
## List of 4
##  $      : int [1:3] 1 2 3
##  $      : chr "a"
##  $      : logi [1:3] TRUE FALSE TRUE
##  $ item4: chr "new list item"

To add additional values to a list item, we need to subset that specific list item and then we can use the c() function to add the additional elements to that list item

l1[[1]] <- c(l1[[1]], 4:6)
## List of 4
##  $      : int [1:6] 1 2 3 4 5 6
##  $      : chr "a"
##  $      : logi [1:3] TRUE FALSE TRUE
##  $ item4: chr "new list item"
l1[[2]] <- c(l1[[2]], c("dding", "to a", "list"))
## List of 4
##  $      : int [1:6] 1 2 3 4 5 6
##  $      : chr [1:4] "a" "dding" "to a" "list"
##  $      : logi [1:3] TRUE FALSE TRUE
##  $ item4: chr "new list item"

Adding names to a pre-existing list

names(l1) <- c("item1", "item2", "item3")

Subsetting lists

Subset list and preserve output as a list

# extract first list item
## $item1
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## $item1
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
# extract multiple list items
l1[c(1, 3)]
## $item1
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## $item3
l1[c("item1", "item3")]
## $item1
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## $item3

Subset list and simplify output

# extract first list item and simplify to a vector
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6

Extract individual elements out of a specific list item

# extract third element from the second list item
## [1] "to a"
## [1] "to a"
## [1] "to a"

4.3 Matrices

A matrix is a collection of data elements arranged in a two-dimensional rectangular layout. In R, the elements that make up a matrix must be of a consistent mode (i.e. all elements must be numeric, or character, etc.).

Creating Matrices. Matrices are constructed column-wise, so entries can be thought of starting in the “upper left” corner and running down the columns.

m1 <- matrix(1:6, nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    3    5
## [2,]    2    4    6
m2 <- matrix(letters[1:6], nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] "a"  "c"  "e" 
## [2,] "b"  "d"  "f"

Matrices can also be created using the column-bind cbind() and row-bind rbind() functions. The vectors that are being binded must be of equal length.

v1 <- 1:4
v2 <- 5:8
cbind(v1, v2)
##      v1 v2
## [1,]  1  5
## [2,]  2  6
## [3,]  3  7
## [4,]  4  8
rbind(v1, v2)
##    [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## v1    1    2    3    4
## v2    5    6    7    8
v3 <- 9:12
cbind(v1, v2, v3)
##      v1 v2 v3
## [1,]  1  5  9
## [2,]  2  6 10
## [3,]  3  7 11
## [4,]  4  8 12

Adding on to matrices

m1 <- cbind(v1, v2)
##      v1 v2
## [1,]  1  5
## [2,]  2  6
## [3,]  3  7
## [4,]  4  8
# add a new column
cbind(m1, v3)
##      v1 v2 v3
## [1,]  1  5  9
## [2,]  2  6 10
## [3,]  3  7 11
## [4,]  4  8 12
# add a new row
rbind(m1, c(4.1, 8.1))
##       v1  v2
## [1,] 1.0 5.0
## [2,] 2.0 6.0
## [3,] 3.0 7.0
## [4,] 4.0 8.0
## [5,] 4.1 8.1

Adding names

m2 <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 4, ncol = 3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    5    9
## [2,]    2    6   10
## [3,]    3    7   11
## [4,]    4    8   12
# the dimension attribute shows this matrix has 4 rows and 3 columns
## $dim
## [1] 4 3
# add row names as an attribute
rownames(m2) <- c("row1", "row2", "row3", "row4")
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## row1    1    5    9
## row2    2    6   10
## row3    3    7   11
## row4    4    8   12
## $dim
## [1] 4 3
## $dimnames
## $dimnames[[1]]
## [1] "row1" "row2" "row3" "row4"
## $dimnames[[2]]
# add column names
colnames(m2) <- c("col1", "col2", "col3")
##      col1 col2 col3
## row1    1    5    9
## row2    2    6   10
## row3    3    7   11
## row4    4    8   12
## $dim
## [1] 4 3
## $dimnames
## $dimnames[[1]]
## [1] "row1" "row2" "row3" "row4"
## $dimnames[[2]]
## [1] "col1" "col2" "col3"

Subsetting matrices

A generic form of matrix subsetting looks like: matrix[rows, columns]

# subset for rows 1 and 2 but keep all columns
m2[1:2, ]
##      col1 col2 col3
## row1    1    5    9
## row2    2    6   10
# subset for columns 1 and 3 but keep all rows
m2[ , c(1, 3)]
##      col1 col3
## row1    1    9
## row2    2   10
## row3    3   11
## row4    4   12
# subset for both rows and columns
m2[1:2, c(1, 3)]
##      col1 col3
## row1    1    9
## row2    2   10
# use a vector to subset
v <- c(1, 2, 4)
m2[v, c(1, 3)]
##      col1 col3
## row1    1    9
## row2    2   10
## row4    4   12
# use names to subset
m2[c("row1", "row3"), ]
##      col1 col2 col3
## row1    1    5    9
## row3    3    7   11

Note that subsetting matrices with the [ operator will simplify the results to the lowest possible dimension. To avoid this we can introduce the drop = FALSE argument

# simplifying results in a named vector
m2[, 2]
## row1 row2 row3 row4 
##    5    6    7    8
# preserving results in a 4x1 matrix
m2[, 2, drop = FALSE]
##      col2
## row1    5
## row2    6
## row3    7
## row4    8

4.4 Data frames

A data frame is a list of equal-length vectors. Each element of the list can be thought of as a column and the length of each element of the list is the number of rows. As a result, data frames can store different classes of objects in each column (i.e. numeric, character, factor).

Creating data frames

df <- data.frame(col1 = 1:3, 
                 col2 = c("this", "is", "text"), 
                 col3 = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), 
                 col4 = c(2.5, 4.2, pi))

# structure of a data frame
## 'data.frame':    3 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ col1: int  1 2 3
##  $ col2: chr  "this" "is" "text"
##  $ col3: logi  TRUE FALSE TRUE
##  $ col4: num  2.5 4.2 3.14
# number of rows
## [1] 3
# number of columns
## [1] 4

data.frame() has an argument stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors() to specify whether character columns should be converted to factors. We can turn this off by setting stringsAsFactors = FALSE

## Warning: 'default.stringsAsFactors' is deprecated.
## Use '`stringsAsFactors = FALSE`' instead.
## See help("Deprecated")
## [1] FALSE
df <- data.frame(col1 = 1:3, 
                 col2 = c("this", "is", "text"), 
                 col3 = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), 
                 col4 = c(2.5, 4.2, pi), 
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# note how col2 now is of a character class
## 'data.frame':    3 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ col1: int  1 2 3
##  $ col2: chr  "this" "is" "text"
##  $ col3: logi  TRUE FALSE TRUE
##  $ col4: num  2.5 4.2 3.14

Converting pre-existing structures to a data frame

v1 <- 1:3
v2 <- c("this", "is", "text")
v3 <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)

# convert same length vectors to a data frame using data.frame()
data.frame(col1 = v1, col2 = v2, col3 = v3)
# convert a list to a data frame using as.data.frame()
l <- list(item1 = 1:3, item2 = c("this", "is", "text"), item3 = c(2.5, 4.2, 5.1))
# convert a matrix to a data frame using as.data.frame()
m1 <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 4, ncol = 3)

Adding on to data frames

# add a new column
v4 <- c("A", "B", "C")
cbind(df, v4)

Adding attributes to data frames

rownames(df) <- c("row1", "row2", "row3")
## $names
## [1] "col1" "col2" "col3" "col4"
## $class
## [1] "data.frame"
## $row.names
## [1] "row1" "row2" "row3"

Change the existing column names by using colnames() or names()

# add/change column names with colnames()
colnames(df) <- c("col_1", "col_2", "col_3", "col_4")
# add/change column names with names()
names(df) <- c("col.1", "col.2", "col.3", "col.4")

Subsetting data frames

# subsetting by row numbers
df[2:3, ]
# subsetting by row names
df[c("row2", "row3"), ]
# subsetting columns like a list
df[c("col.2", "col.4")]
# subsetting columns like a matrix
df[, c("col.2", "col.4")]
# subset for both rows and columns
df[1:2, c(1, 3)]
# use a vector to subset
v <- c(1, 2, 4)
df[, v]

Note that subsetting data frames with the [ operator will simplify the results to the lowest possible dimension. To avoid this we can set drop = FALSE.

# simplifying results in a named vector
df[, 2]
## [1] "this" "is"   "text"
# preserving results in a 3x1 data frame
df[, 2, drop = FALSE]

Subset data frames based on conditional statements

# using brackets
mtcars[mtcars$mpg > 20, ]
# using the subset function
subset(mtcars, mpg > 20)
# using brackets
mtcars[mtcars$mpg > 20 & mtcars$cyl == 6, ]
# using the subset function
subset(mtcars, mpg > 20 & cyl == 6)
# using brackets
mtcars[mtcars$mpg > 20 & mtcars$cyl == 6, c("mpg", "cyl", "wt")]
# using the subset function
subset(mtcars, mpg > 20 & cyl == 6, c("mpg", "cyl", "wt"))

4.5 NAs

A common task in data analysis is dealing with missing values. In R, missing values are often represented by NA (NA = not available)

Identifying missing values using is.na()

x <- c(1:4, NA, 6:7, NA)
df <- data.frame(col1 = c(1:3, NA),
                 col2 = c("this", NA,"is", "text"), 
                 col3 = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), 
                 col4 = c(2.5, 4.2, 3.2, NA),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##       col1  col2  col3  col4

Location of NAs

# identify location of NAs in vector
## [1] 5 8

Number of NAs

# identify count of NAs in data frame
## [1] 3

Total missing values in each column

## col1 col2 col3 col4 
##    1    1    0    1

Recode missing values

# vector with missing data
x <- c(1:4, NA, 6:7, NA)
# recode missing values with the mean
x[is.na(x)] <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
round(x, 2)
## [1] 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 3.83 6.00 7.00 3.83
# data frame that codes missing values as 99
df <- data.frame(col1 = c(1:3, 99), col2 = c(2.5, 4.2, 99, 3.2))
# change 99s to NAs
df[df == 99] <- NA
# data frame with missing data
df <- data.frame(col1 = c(1:3, NA),
                 col2 = c("this", NA,"is", "text"), 
                 col3 = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), 
                 col4 = c(2.5, 4.2, 3.2, NA),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df$col4[is.na(df$col4)] <- mean(df$col4, na.rm = TRUE)

Exclude missing values

# A vector with missing values
x <- c(1:4, NA, 6:7, NA)

# including NA values produces an NA output
## [1] NA
# excluding NA values calculates the mathematical operation for all non-missing values
mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 3.833333

Subset of observations (rows) in our data that contain no missing data

# data frame with missing values
df <- data.frame(col1 = c(1:3, NA),
                 col2 = c("this", NA,"is", "text"), 
                 col3 = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), 
                 col4 = c(2.5, 4.2, 3.2, NA),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# subset with complete.cases to get the complete rows
df[complete.cases(df), ]
# or subset with `!` operator to get the incomplete rows
df[!complete.cases(df), ]
# or use na.omit() to get the complete rows

5 Importing data

Text file formats use delimiters to separate the different elements in a line, and each line of data is in its own line in the text file. To import a text file we can use read.table() which is a multipurpose function in base R for importing data. read.csv() and read.delim() are special cases of read.table(). Alternatively, we can use function read_csv() from the readr package, and function fread() from the data.table package which are faster.

variable 1,variable 2,variable 3
mydata <- read.csv("mydata.csv")

# this is the same
mydata <- read.table("mydata.csv", sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# invoke a spreadsheet-style data viewer on a matrix-like R object

To import Excel files, we can simply export the Excel file as a CSV file and then import into R using read.csv(). We can also use the functions in the readxl package.

With the file.choose() function we can simply choose the file we want to open by clicking some buttons.

d <- read.csv(file.choose())

The foreign package can be used to read data from other programming languages (e.g., .sav for SPSS data).

Importing R object files


load(file = "mydata.rda")


We can use attach() to keep the dataset as the current or working dataset. By doing that we will not need to keep using the $ sign to point to the data set, we can just call the variables in the dataset by name. For example:

# mean(Temp)
## [1] 77.88235
## [1] 77.88235

We should never attach two datasets that have the same variable names as this could lead to confusion.

6 Exporting data

write.table() is the multipurpose function in base R for exporting data. The functions write.csv() and write.delim() are special cases of write.table() in which the defaults have been adjusted for efficiency. We can also use write_csv() from the readr package.

df <- data.frame(var1 = c(10, 25, 8), 
                 var2 = c("beer", "wine", "cheese"), 
                 var3 = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
                 row.names = c("billy", "bob", "thornton"))

# write to a csv file
write.csv(df, file = "export_csv")

# write to a csv and save in a different directory
write.csv(df, file = "folder/subfolder/subsubfolder/export_csv")

# write to a csv file with added arguments
write.csv(df, file = "export_csv", row.names = FALSE, na = "MISSING!")

Exporting R object files

Sometimes we may need to save data or other R objects outside of our workspace. There are three primary ways that people tend to save R data/objects: as .RData, .rda, or .rds files.

.rda is just short for .RData, therefore, these file extensions represent the same underlying object type. We use the .rda or .RData file types when we want to save several, or all, objects and functions that exist in our global environment.

On the other hand, if we only want to save a single R object such as a data frame, function, or statistical model results its best to use .rds file type. We can use .rda or .RData to save a single object but the benefit of .rds is it only saves a representation of the object and not the name whereas .rda and .RData save the both the object and its name. As a result, with .rds the saved object can be loaded into a named object within R that is different from the name it had when originally saved.

# save() can be used to save multiple objects in our global environment,
# in this case we save two objects to a .RData file
x <- stats::runif(20)
y <- list(a = 1, b = TRUE, c = "oops")
save(x, y, file = "xy.RData")

# save.image() is just a short-cut for 'save my current workspace',
# i.e. all objects in our global environment

# save a single object to file
saveRDS(x, "x.rds")

# restore it under a different name
x2 <- readRDS("x.rds")
identical(x, x2)

7 Graphics

plot() is the generic function for plotting R objects.

x <- rnorm(100)

plot(rnorm(100), type = "l", col = "red")

hist() computes histograms


d <- data.frame(a = rnorm(100), b = rnorm(100), c = rnorm(100))

plot(d$a, type = "l", ylim = range(d), lwd = 3, col = "red")
lines(d$b, type = "s", lwd = 2, col = "green")
points(d$c, pch = 20, cex = 4, col = "blue")

Type ?plot.default to know more about the arguments of the function.

We will also see the package ggplot2 for plotting data: https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/

8 Functions

Functions allows us to automate common tasks. Key steps to creating a new function:

  • Pick a name for the function
  • List the inputs or arguments
  • Place the code in body of the function
# Define the function
fnRescale01 <- function(x) {
  rng <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  return((x - rng[1]) / (rng[2] - rng[1]))

# Execute the function
x <- c(0, 5, 10)

The txtProgressBar() and setTxtProgressBar() functions from the utils package can be used to show a text progress bar in the R console. This is useful to show in long computations.