2 Presentations with beamer (PDF)

We can create a Beamer presentation from R Markdown by specifying output: beamer_presentation in the YAML of the .Rmd document. We can use the # and ## heading tags to create slides with a header, and a horizontal rule --- to create slides without a header.


Create a Beamer presentation.

3 Presentations with xaringan (HTML)

The R package xaringan can be used to create HTML5 presentations with remark.js through R Markdown. The presentations are rendered by remark.js on the web browser, and the Markdown source needed by remark.js is generated from R Markdown (knitr). Example slides can be seen at https://slides.yihui.org/xaringan/ and https://arm.rbind.io/slides/xaringan#1

Creating a xaringan presentation

To create a xaringan presentation, we first need to install the xaringan package

# Download from CRAN

# or download the development version from GitHub
# remotes::install_github("yihui/xaringan")

Then, we can easily create a xaringan presentation from the menu by clicking File > New File > R Markdown > From Template > Ninja Presentation and then clicking the Knit button to compile the presentation.

The output format of a xaringan presentation is HTML. However, we can create a PDF document by opening the slides in a web browser and printing them to PDF.

YAML header

The YAML header of the R Markdown file specifies some metadata such as the title, author and date. The output format is output: xaringan::moon_reader.

Separation slides

Slides are separated with three dashes ---. The first slide automatically starts where the YAML header ends so we do not need to write --- to create it.

Create a presentation by creating the following .Rmd file and clicking the Knit button

title: "Presentation"
subtitle: "xaringan"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: "2023-03-16"
output: xaringan::moon_reader

One slide


Another slide


A header for the slide is created using a # before a line of text. Smaller headers are created with more # symbols.

Create a presentation by creating the following .Rmd file and clicking the Knit button

title: "Presentation"
subtitle: "xaringan"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: "2023-03-16"
output: xaringan::moon_reader

# Header 1

One slide


# Header 2

## Subheader

Another slide

R Markdown syntax

We can write R Markdown syntax such as bold or italic text and math equations.

Incremental reveals

We can make elements on the slides to appear with a click by separating them with two dashes --.


We can add more space between the elements on a slide by using the HTML tag <br>.



To put text in color, wrap the text in the <span> tag and set color with CSS.

<span style="color: red;"> text </span>

Create a presentation by creating the following .Rmd file and clicking the Knit button

title: "Presentation"
subtitle: "xaringan"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: "2023-03-16"
output: xaringan::moon_reader

# Header 1

**This is bold text**


*This is italic text*


$$\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}$$


# Header 2

Text 1

Text 2


Text 3

<span style="color: red;"> Text 4 </span>

Aligning slides

By specifying class: inverse, center, middle at the beginning of the slide we will inverse the color (inverse), center the elements horizontally (center) and vertically (middle).

  • Horizontal alignment can be left, center or right.

  • Vertical alignment can be top, middle or bottom.

Create a presentation by creating the following .Rmd file and clicking the Knit button

title: "Presentation"
subtitle: "xaringan"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: "2023-03-16"
output: xaringan::moon_reader

class: left, top

Horizontal alignment `left`. Vertical alignment `top` 

`class: left, top`

class: center, middle

Horizontal alignment `center`. Vertical alignment `middle` 

`class: center, middle`

class: inverse, right, bottom

Horizontal alignment `right`. Vertical alignment `bottom` 

`class: inverse, right, bottom`

Aligning text

Text can be horizontally aligned


Create a presentation by creating the following .Rmd file and clicking the Knit button

title: "Presentation"
subtitle: "xaringan"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: "2023-03-16"
output: xaringan::moon_reader

# Aligning text

.left[text left]
.center[text center]
.right[text right]


Images or GIFs can be added by writing


To control size we can use

```{r, out.width = '50%'}
# url
# local image with relative path

Or HTML syntax

<img src="http://bit.ly/wiki-toddy" width="15%" align="right" />

Create a presentation by creating the following .Rmd file and clicking the Knit button

title: "Presentation"
subtitle: "xaringan"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: "2023-03-16"
output: xaringan::moon_reader

# Header 1


Two columns

Two columns can be written with .pull-left[] and .pull-right[]. These are each 47% width.

It is also possible to use .left-column[] and .right-column[]. The widths are 20% and 75%.


class: inverse, center, middle

# Slide



Create a presentation by creating the following .Rmd file and clicking the Knit button

title: "Presentation"
subtitle: "xaringan"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: "2023-03-16"
output: xaringan::moon_reader

# Two columns

Column left

Column right

Background images

We can add background images with background-image:. The size can be adjusted with background-size:.

  • background-size cover rescales and crops with no empty space, and contain only rescales.
background-image: url(https://blah.bla)
background-size: cover

Create a presentation by creating the following .Rmd file and clicking the Knit button

title: "Presentation"
subtitle: "xaringan"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: "2023-03-16"
output: xaringan::moon_reader

class: center, middle

# Background images

background-image: url(https://bit.ly/arm-greens)

#  No background size

background-image: url(https://bit.ly/arm-greens)
background-size: cover

#  `cover` rescales and crops with no empty space

background-image: url(https://bit.ly/arm-greens)
background-size: contain

# `contain` only rescales

Title slide

If we would like to create our own title slide we need to disable xaringan’s title slide with the option seal = FALSE of moon_reader.

    seal: false

For example, we can create our own title slide as follows:

    seal: false
class: inverse, center, middle
background-image: url(figs/image.png)
background-size: cover

# R Markdown presentations

<img src="figs/blue_jane.png" width="150px"/>

### using xaringan

.large[Paula Moraga | KAUST Conference | 9 July 2020]

Create a presentation by creating the following .Rmd file and clicking the Knit button

title: "Presentation"
subtitle: "xaringan"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: "2023-03-16"
    seal: false

class: inverse, center, middle
background-image: url(https://bit.ly/arm-greens)
background-size: cover

# R Markdown presentations

<img src="http://bit.ly/momtocat" width="150px"/>

### using xaringan

.large[Paula Moraga | KAUST Conference | 9 July 2020]


# Slide 1


# Slide 2

Code and plot side by side

  • Create a xaringan presentation that includes HTML widgets such as leaflet maps or datatables

  • Share the presentation online in GitHub Pages