1 Reproducible reports and dashboards

2 R Markdown

The package rmarkdown allows us to easily turn our analyses into fully reproducible documents that can be shared with others in a variety of formats including HTML and PDF. An R Markdown document is a text file with extension .Rmd that intermingles text and R code, and can include narrative text, tables and visualizations. When the R Markdown document is compiled, the R code is executed and a report with the output of the R code is created. Resources to learn R Markdown include book1 and book2. Reference: https://www.rstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/rmarkdown-reference.pdf

A new R Markdown document (.Rmd) can be created by clicking File > New File > R Markdown in RStudio. From the .Rmd file, a report can be generated using the Knit button in RStudio or executing rmarkdown::render("name.Rmd", "output_document"), where name.Rmd is the name of the .Rmd file, and "output_document" the type of output (e.g., "html_document", "pdf_document"). Note that Latex is needed to generate PDF documents. The Latex distribution TinyTeX can be installed with the tinytex package with tinytex::install_tinytex() REF, Alternatively, Latex can be installed using these resources.

An R Markdown document includes three basic components, namely, a YAML header, Markdown text and R code chunks as follows.

At the beginning of the document, we write a YAML header surrounded by --- that indicates several options such as title, author, date and type of output file.

title: "Report"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: 1 July 2023
output: html_document

The text is written in Markdown syntax. For example, we can use asterisks for italic text (*text*) and double asterisks for bold text (**text**) . We can also include equations in Latex. See, for example, this equation editor for examples.

The R code is written within R code chunks which start with three backticks ```{r} and end with three backticks ```. R code chunks can be specified using several options like echo=FALSE to hide code and warning=FALSE to supress warnings.

```{r, warning = FALSE}
# R code to be executed

In R chunks, we can include images using knitr::include_graphics("path/img.png") and tables created with knitr::kable(). We can also include HTML widgets such as objects created with leaflet, DT and dygraphs.

Icons can be included with the fontawesome package. Icons: https://fontawesome.com/v4/icons/. Animated icons: https://emitanaka.org/anicon/

R code chunks can be specified using several options like the following:

  • echo=FALSE code will not be shown in the document, but it will run and the output will be displayed in the document
  • eval=FALSE code will not run, but it will be shown in the document
  • include=FALSE code will run, but neither the code nor the output will be included in the document
  • results='hide' output will not be shown, but the code will run and will be displayed in the document
  • cache=TRUE code chunk is not executed if it has been executed before and nothing in the code chunk has changed since then
  • error=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE supress errors, warnings or messages


The code below shows an example of R Markdown document. In the document, the YAML header has the following options:

  • toc: true and toc_float: true to put a table of contents floating on the left
  • number_sections: true to number sections
  • toc_depth: 2 to specify the lowest level of headings to add to the table of contents equal to 2
  • theme: united to specify the theme and highlight: tango to specify the highlight options. Details about these options can be seen at here.
title: "Report"
author: "Paula Moraga"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
    toc: true
    toc_float: true
    number_sections: true
    toc_depth: 2
    theme: united
    highlight: tango

# First-level header

**Bold text**

[Hyperlink R Markdown](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/)

## Second-level header

- unordered item
- unordered item
    1. first item
    2. second item
    3. third item
### Third-level header    

```{r, warning=FALSE}
x <- 1:10
y <- 1:10
plot(x, y)

$$\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}$$

2.1 Child documents


```{r, child = c("child.Rmd")}


Include the introduction as a child document

2.2 Parameters



Include parameter named printcode and use it inside R chunks to set echo = params$printcode

title: My document
output: html_document
  printcode: TRUE

3 Flexdashboard

The flexdashboard package allows us to create dashboards on HTML format that contain several related data visualizations. Examples of dashboards created with flexdashboard can be seen at the RStudio website. To create a flexdashboard, we need to write an R Markdown file with extension .Rmd. The YAML header of the flexdashaboard document needs to have the option output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard. Dashboard components are shown according to a layout that specifies the columns and rows. Columns are included with --------------, and rows for each column with ###. Layouts can also be specified row-wise rather than column-wise by adding orientation: rows in the YAML. The code below creates a layout with two columns with one and two components, respectively. Additional layout examples including tabs, multiple pages and sidebars can be seen at the R Markdown website.

The R code to create the dashboard’s visualizations is written within R code chunks. Dashboards can contain a wide variety of components including images, tables, equations, and HTML widgets. They can also contain value boxes to display single values with titles and icons, and gauges that display values on a meter within a specified range. Moreover, it is also possible to include navigation bars with links to social services, source code, or other links related to the dashboard.