
For the exercises and projects you need to work with a dataset. The dataset can be from your own research (and that you have permission to openly share) or a dataset that you can find in open repositories. The following repositories can be helpful to find data:

Week 1

Install R and RStudio R and RStudio

Introduction to R (TODO exercises) PDF

Carry out an exploratory analysis of a dataset

Weeks 2-3

Visualize data using different packages such as ggplot2, plotly, gganimate and HTML widgets

Install Git and create a GitHub account Git and GitHub

Week 4

Create an R Markdown document

Create a GitHub repository and upload R Markdown document

Weeks 5-8

Work on the development of a flexdashboard or a Shiny app

Weeks 9-11

Work on the development of a Shiny app or an R package

Week 12-15

Work on the development of an R package

Create a website with several R Markdown documents

Create a presentation

Create a flexdashboard using data retrieved from spatial packages

Create a webpage with blogdown

Create a book with bookdown